Monday, September 29, 2008

12:07 PM

Decided to blog again after super long. There's this major change in N256 and as many of you know, it's jinlian becoming an adult cellgroup leader, which leaves the rest of us to go into the different cellgroups. am excited but a little disappointed at the same time - excited for a new environment, new leader to learn under. but disappointed as i had so little time with jinlian. I love her alot and i've been with her for barely a year. I wanted to learn more under her! but nevertheless, i know i can learn even more from my new cellgroup leader - Jerb. (: im in E99 now! with Yvonne, aaron and abel. =) and im excited to make a difference in where i am placed, E99. fellowshipped with them ystd after service. and i was with some of the students. but guess what! just before i was about to leave, then i realised that they were all new friends. =x soo actually, i kinda know the new friends better than the members! =P